Friday, September 25, 2009

Contemporary Elders

On Saturday, October 10, 2009, we invite you to come listen to Dr. John Hadjinicolaou as he shares his memories and the teachings of some of the most profound Athonite elders of our time:

  • Fr. Paisios
  • Fr. Porphyrios

Cost $10: Includes lunch


9:30 Registration
10:00 First Presentation
11:30 Lunch
12:00 Second Presentation
13:00 Open question period
13:30 End

Deadline for registration: Sunday, October 4, 2009. Must register in advance. Please let us know if you need a ride when you register!

To register online, click here.

You can also register by phone by calling Kosta @ 450.671.9924 or Caroline @ 514.489.5971.
Or e-mail us at

Pay at the door.

Location: The Sign of the Theotokos Orthodox Church

750, Boul. St. Joseph E. (métro Laurier, St. Joseph exit)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dealing with Loss

Thanks to all of you who came and helped make this event a tremendous success (possibly our best retreat EVER)!

Our group is now ready to reach a higher level, and as such we will be introducing some enhancements:

1. Our own website: in the months to come, we will be buying a domain name and setting up a website so that we can improve our service to you;

2. Orthodox radio: we are beginning our cooperation with the Orthodox Christian Network ( and we'll begin podcasts which you will be able to download and listen in your own time! We will also broadcast our French-language retreats on Radio Ville-Marie in Montreal.

We encourage your participation in choosing themes for upcoming retreats and if you have time to donate, to help us spread the message of Christ by participating in organizing events, finding speakers and getting your communities involved.

Again, thanks and may the blessings of the Lord be with you.

St Peter the Aleut, Executive Director

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dealing with Loss

On Saturday, November 15, 2008, we will be holding our first ever French-only retreat. It is also our first monastery retreat.

This retreat also marks the beginning of our collaboration with our Romanian brothers and sisters.

Speaker: Fr. Cyrille Bradette – Abbot of the Romanian monastery La Protection de la Mère de Dieu

Theme: Dealing with Loss

- Discover how do deal with death and suffering
- Why does God allow pain in the world? Is suffering necessary?
- How can we move on?

Cost $7: Includes lunch


10:30 Divine Liturgy
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Talk by Fr. Cyrille Bradette
14:00 Coffee break
14:15 Question period
15:00 Tour of the monastery

Deadline for registration: Wednesday, November 12, 2008. Must register in advance. Please let us know if you need a ride when you register!

To register online, click here.

You can also register by phone by calling Kosta @ 450.671.9924 or Christine @ 514.889.7824.
Or e-mail us at

Pay at the door.

Location: Romanian monastery – La Protection-de-la-Mère-de-Dieu
168 chemin Louisa, Wentworth, QC, J8H O7C


All ages welcome!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Monastère de la Protection-de-la-Mère-de-Dieu

Please join us on a trip to the monastery to celebrate their Feast Day on Saturday, October 4th, 2008!

· Liturgy begins at 10h30am.

· We will spend some time at the monastery after Liturgy to celebrate in fellowship with our Romanian brothers and sisters.

If you need to arrange transport or if you need , e-mail us at or contact us by phone:
Kosta @ 450-671-9924 or Caroline @ 514-489-5971.

For more information on the monastery, please visit their website at:

Location: Monastère de la Protection-de-la-Mère-de-Dieu168, chemin Louisa, Wentworth, Québec, Canada J8H 07C Tel : 450-533-1114

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Winter Retreat 2008: Exploring the Gospel of John with Fr. Ihor Kutash

Date: Saturday, February 16, 2008
Guest Speaker: The Very Reverend Dr. Ihor Kutash
Theme: Exploring the Gospel of John

- Discover the historical circumstances surrounding the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John.
- Why is the Gospel of John considered to be the Gospel “par excellence”?
- Come and explore the Gospel of John with Fr. Ihor in a Bible study format.

Cost $7: Includes refreshments and snacks (Pay at the door)


1:00 Registration
1:30 First Presentation: Historical elements of the Gospels
2:30 Coffee break
2:45 Second presentation: The Gospel of John Part I
3:45 Coffee break
4:00 Third presentation: The Gospel of John Part II
5:00 Open question period
5:30 End
6:00 Vespers and Common Confession

Deadline for registration: Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Location: St. Mary’s Antiochian Church
120 Gouin E., Montreal, QC, H3L 1A7
All ages welcome!

To register online, click here or email us at

You can also register by phone by calling Kosta @450.671.9924 or Christine @514.889.7824.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Who we are

Saint Peter the Aleut's Pan-Orthodox Youth of Canada

In the winter of 2003, a youth retreat took place in Montréal. This event brought together dozens of young Orthodox people from Québec and Ottawa, highlighting the desire for more common activities held among the youths of the various parishes of different backgrounds that comprise the Orthodox reality in North America.

With this in mind and with the encouragement of Fr. Lambros Kamperidis (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese), a group of Orthodox youth from the Ottawa-Montréal region met on Canada Day 2004 and established the Orthodox Youth of Canada. The group is under the blessing of the Clergy Association of Québec. Subsequently, Saint Peter the Aleut, a Native-American Orthodox youth from Alaska, was chosen unanimously as patron saint of our group. We always carry out our efforts under the guidance of a priest: our first spiritual director was Fr. Lambros, whose initiative led to the birth of this vibrant group. As of this year, we welcome Fr. John Tkachuk as our new spiritual director.

Our aim is to hold common events to talk and learn more about our Faith and learn about the different traditions within the Orthodox Church. Our group is mostly geared toward senior high school, college and university youth.

The youth is the Church of tomorrow. Therefore, we seek to promote a better understanding of each other by providing an environment where personal relationships can develop. We also seek to provide a better understanding of the Faith we share as Orthodox Christians, as well as of the different traditions to which we belong.

To this end, we hold three types of events. First, casual meetings that allow young people to be themselves in a Christian spirit, sharing a meal or worshipping together at different locations. Second, to nourish the souls and minds of our youth, we are constantly seeking priests, theologians and other mature Christians to give informal talks on various topics of relevance to the youth. Finally, we hold two one-day retreats a year.

The next retreat is on August 4, 2007. For details, click here.

Our efforts cannot come to fruition without your help. We hope you will get involved in preparing our events, even if you are not a speaker. We ask all youth to come participate, to represent their communities and get to know each other.

If your parish priest is available, please let us know and we will send him a list of topics to choose from to talk to us about and set a date.

If your parish would also like to host a particular event and/or offer its assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us at